National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys Written Testimony on FY25 Department of Justice Funding

Dear Chair Rogers, Ranking Member Cartwright, and Members of the Subcommittee:

On behalf of the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys (NAAUSA), representing the interests of over 6,000 Assistant U.S. Attorneys working in the 94 U.S. Attorney Offices, I write to express concerns about the Department of Justice’s ability to recruit and retain the personnel necessary to prosecute federal criminal and civil violations and uphold the fair administration of justice. While we are pleased by and support the Biden administration’s request for additional EOUSA funding, NAAUSA’s engagement with AUSAs reflects a growing sense of dissatisfaction and workforce churn, which we feel threatens the ability of some offices to fulfil their critical criminal justice responsibilities.

As the subcommittee determines its allocation of DOJ and Justice component funding, it must ensure the Department has the resources and is taking action to retain its experienced workforce while also maintaining the ability to recruit the most qualified new AUSAs to the workforce. During FY24 with funding cuts imposed on DOJ, AUSAs experienced hiring restrictions in their districts, limitations on performance awards, extensions on computer replacement cycles, and limitations on professional development and conference attendance.

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